Day 46 Mears Lighthouse

It was a sunny day…..few and far between.  Drove south through Tillamook to Mears LighthouseIMG_2219IMG_2226
The foam patterns in the water as seen from the deck  were pretty.
In October of 2010 2 young men shot the lens many times with high power rifles. They were caught, and part of their sentence  was to pay the $60,000 to replace just the outer glass panes. Someone from Florida has offered to help repair the lens itself.  It still has a large hole. No visitors are allowed to go up the steps because the vibrations could cause further damage.
You can see from the door at the right side of the photo,  it is a very short lighthouse compared to others.

View going back to the parking lot by a different trail.
The famous Octopus tree…..too tall to get into just 1 photo.

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